Consultation Results

All statemens prepared within the ESK and its committees on Waste Conditioning, Transport and Interim Storage (AZ), Final Disposal (EL) and Decommissioning (ST) can be found here.

With the filter "Published by" you can select whose consultation results you would like to see. Statements prepared within the RSK Committee on FUEL SUPPLY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT (VE) will be shown with the filter criteria "RSK", the ones of the ESK/SSK Ad Hoc Working Group Asse with the filter criteria "Ad-hoc-AG ASSE".


14.03.2013 STATEMENT ESK stress test for nuclear fuel cycle facilities in Germany, Part 1


Part 1: "Nuclear fuel supply facilities, storage facilities for spent fuel and heat-generating radioactive waste, facilities for the treatment of spent fuel."

31.01.2013 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Long-term safety case for the Morsleben repository for radioactive waste (ERAM)
21.06.2012 RECOMMENDATION Guideline on the classification of evolutions according to probability categories


Dissenting opinion by Dr. Appel

29.05.2012 QUESTIONNAIRE ESK list of questions regarding the stress test for facilities of categories 1, 3 and 6
26.04.2012 RECOMMENDATION Guideline on human intrusion into a repository for radioactive waste
02.02.2012 STATEMENT Acceleration/optimisation possibilities in the Asse II mine
05.09.2011 THESIS PAPER Retrievability: Theses for a public discussion
(available in German only)
Retrieval / retrievability of high-level radioactive waste from a repository
09.06.2011 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Decommissioning and dismantling of the Obrigheim nuclear power plant (KWO) - 2nd decommissioning and dismantling licence
27.05.2011 STATEMENT Requirements for spent fuel from the point of view of waste management
09.12.2010 STATEMENT Specification by AREVA NC on medium-level vitrified waste (CSD-B) from the reprocessing of German LWR fuel elements
01.12.2010 REPORT
(available in German only)
Assessment of knowledge on the inventory of chamber 12/750 of the Asse mine and suggestions for improvement of the quality of results
(available in German only)
Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities


With the recommendation of the ESK “Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities ” of 16.03.2015, the recommendation of 11.11.2010 was updated.

04.11.2010 RECOMMENDATION Recommendations for guides to the performance of periodic safety reviews for storage facilities for spent fuel and heat-generating radioactive waste (PSÜ-ZL)
02.07.2010 Joint STATEMENT Asse II Mine - Licence to handle radioactive substances according to § 7 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)
06.05.2010 LECTURE
(available in German only)
Lecture of the ESK chairman of 06.05.2010 at the Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (Berlin)
07.04.2010 LETTER/ANNEX
(available in German only)
Letter of the ESK chairman "On the BMU safety requirements governing the final disposal of heat-generating radioactive waste of July 2009"
07.04.2010 STATEMENT Statement on questions of the BMU on the potential retrieval and conditioning of radioactive waste from the Asse II mine
05.01.2010 LETTER/ANNEX Enclosure to the letter to the BMU of 05.01.2010: Options for the decommissioning of the Asse II mine - Consultation results of the ASSE ad hoc working group of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission, ESK) and the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission, SSK)
02.11.2009 LETTER/ANNEX Enclosure to the letter to the BMU of 02.11.2009: Ref. Document: Estimate of potential radiation exposures in the environment of the Asse II mine due to beyond-design inflow rates of brine solutions from the overburden during the operating phase” ) - Consultation results and recommendations of the ASSE ad hoc working group of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission, ESK) and the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission, SSK)