Consultation Results

All statemens prepared within the ESK and its committees on Waste Conditioning, Transport and Interim Storage (AZ), Final Disposal (EL) and Decommissioning (ST) can be found here.

With the filter "Published by" you can select whose consultation results you would like to see. Statements prepared within the RSK Committee on FUEL SUPPLY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT (VE) will be shown with the filter criteria "RSK", the ones of the ESK/SSK Ad Hoc Working Group Asse with the filter criteria "Ad-hoc-AG ASSE".


27.10.2016 STATEMENT Decommissioning and dismantling of the Isar 1 nuclear power plant (KKI 1)
12.05.2016 DISCUSSION PAPER Discussion paper on the disposal of heat-generating radioactive waste, depleted uranium from uranium enrichment, waste to be retrieved from the Asse II mine and other waste that cannot be emplaced in the Konrad repository at one site
12.05.2016 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Waste disposal research in Germany: Comments on content of research and research steering
17.03.2016 RECOMMENDATION Requirements for packages for the disposal of heat generating radioactive waste (editorially revised version of 20.01.2017)
(available in German only)
Evaluation of the boundary and framework conditions, assessment principles and the criteria of the Committee on a Site Selection Procedure for Repository Sites (Arbeitskreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte - AkEnd)
10.12.2015 RECOMMENDATION Guideline on the safe operation of a disposal facility for in particular heat-generating radioactive waste


With the ESK recommendation “Guideline on the safe operation of a repository for high-level radioactive waste” of 10.05.2023, the recommendation of 10.12.2015 was updated.

29.10.2015 DISCUSSION PAPER Discussion paper on the extended storage of spent fuel and other heat-generating radioactive waste
18.06.2015 LETTER/ANNEX
(available in German only)
Overview of essential aspects for decommissioning - annex to the letter of the ESK Vice Chairman to the BMUB
18.06.2015 DISCUSSION PAPER Partitioning and transmutation (P&T) as an option of nuclear waste management for heat-generating radioactive waste in Germany
07.05.2015 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Implementation of the ESK guidelines for the storage of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation
16.03.2015 RECOMMENDATION Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities


With the recommendation of the ESK "Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear installations" of 05.11.2020, the recommendation of 16.03.2015 was updated.

(available in German only)
Comparison of the mass flows from decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Germany and France
30.10.2014 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Return of vitrified waste from reprocessing in other European countries – storage of the vitrified waste in on-site storage facilities on the basis of the amendment of the Atomic Energy Act on 01.01.2014 (§ 9a, para. 2a AtG)
02.07.2014 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
State of preparations in providing radioactive waste packages for the Konrad repository
13.03.2014 RECOMMENDATION ESK guidelines for the performance of periodic safety reviews and on technical ageing management for storage facilities for spent fuel and heat-generating radioactive waste


With the recommendation of the ESK "ESK guidelines for the performance of periodic safety reviews and on technical ageing management for storage facilities for spent fuel and heat-generating radioactive waste" of 03.03.2022, the recommendation of 13.03.2014 was updated.

18.10.2013 STATEMENT ESK stress test for nuclear fuel cycle facilities in Germany, Part 2 (revised version of 18.10.2013)


Part 2: "Storage facilities for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, stationary facilities for the conditioning of low- and intermediate level radioactive waste, disposal facilities for radioactive waste"

11.07.2013 Joint STATEMENT Emergency planning for the Asse II mine
10.06.2013 RECOMMENDATION Guidelines for dry cask storage of spent fuel and heat-generating waste (revised version of 10.06.2013)


Explanation of the amendments (in German) of 10.06.2013.

These guidelines were submitted on 29.08.2012 with an accompanying letter (in German) of the ESK.

10.06.2013 RECOMMENDATION Guidelines for the storage of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation (revised version of 10.06.2013)
25.04.2013 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission on how to proceed with decommissioning projects