Consultation Results

All statemens prepared within the ESK and its committees on Waste Conditioning, Transport and Interim Storage (AZ), Final Disposal (EL) and Decommissioning (ST) can be found here.

With the filter "Published by" you can select whose consultation results you would like to see. Statements prepared within the RSK Committee on FUEL SUPPLY AND WASTE MANAGEMENT (VE) will be shown with the filter criteria "RSK", the ones of the ESK/SSK Ad Hoc Working Group Asse with the filter criteria "Ad-hoc-AG ASSE".


02.11.2009 LETTER/ANNEX Enclosure to the letter to the BMU of 02.11.2009: Emergency concept for the Asse II mine - Consultation results and recommendations of the ASSE ad hoc working group of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission, ESK) and the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission, SSK)
02.11.2009 LETTER/ANNEX Enclosure to the letter to the BMU of 02.11.2009: Radioactive inventory in the ASSE II mine - Consultation results and recommendations of the ASSE ad hoc working group of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission, ESK) and the Commission on Radiological Protection (Strahlenschutzkommission, SSK)
29.01.2009 STATEMENT Statement on the draft of the BMU “Safety Requirements Governing the Final Disposal of Heat-Generating Radioactive Waste”
12.11.2008 Joint STATEMENT Asse II mine – recommendations for investigations
06.11.2008 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on Dismantling of the Jülich experimental reactor AVR
25.09.2008 Joint STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Asse II mine – plausibility checks on the operator data and information
17.09.2008 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on the Karlsruhe vitrification plant (VEK), second partial operating licence
03.07.2008 Joint STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on the GRS report “Safety requirements on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in deep geological formations”
11.12.2007 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Licensing procedure for the decommissioning and dismantling of the Obrigheim nuclear power plant


As regards the 2nd decommissioning and dismantling licence for the Obrigheim nuclear power plant (KWO), a statement [in German] of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK) of 09.06.2011 is available.

12.04.2007 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Application pursuant to Section 6 of the Atomic Energy Act for the construction of the Obrigheim interim storage facility
13.09.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Synthesis report issued by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection "Conceptual and safety-related issues regarding the disposal of radioactive wastes – A comparison of different host rocks"
09.03.2006 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Radiation damage in rock salt
15.12.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Proposal for requirements on decommissioning in the nuclear rules and regulations


On 11.11.2010, the ESK recommendation “Guidelines for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities” [in German] was published in the Federal Gazette.

08.09.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Specification by the company Areva/Cogema regarding high-pressure-compacted radioactive waste (CSD-C) from the reprocessing of German LWR fuel elements
02.06.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Licensing procedure for decommissioning and dismantling of the Stade NPP
31.03.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Statement on safety-related aspects of conceptual questions on the final disposal of irradiated fuel elements using canisters emplaced in bore holes
27.01.2005 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Gases in a repository
10.04.2003 STATEMENT
(available in German only)
Implementation of the RSK recommendation "Safety Guidelines for Dry Interim Storage of Irradiated Fuel Assemblies in Storage Casks" in the BfS draft licence for the on-site interim storage facility in Gemmrigheim of the Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Neckar G
05.12.2002 RECOMMENDATION Safety requirements on the interim storage of low and intermediate level waste in the longer term


With the recommendation of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK) “Guidelines for the storage of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation” (revised version of 10.06.2013) [in German], the recommendation of the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK) (of 05.12.2002) was updated.

05.12.2002 Joint STATEMENT
(available in German only)
BMU questions regarding the update of safety criteria for repositories